Ecolinguistics or Linguistic Ecology studies the interactions between Language and Environment evolving, over time, to ecosystemic linguistics, considering that a language relates to a speech community surrounded by a natural environment, which is also verbal, giving identity to speakers. This is a reality in indigenous communities, which present themselves as guardians of the forest, in a systemic relationship, when Language, ecology and people interact with themselves and with the Environment, constituting a simultaneously stable, balanced and self-sufficient system. In this regard, we present this article that aims to describe a study on the Apinayé and Krahô linguistic ecosystems, from the theories of eco-linguistics. The methodological procedures adopted are qualitative and bibliographic research, wherein, in addition to classicstudies we also surveyed the state of the art from the describers: Linguistic Ecosystems; Apinayé indigenous people; Krahô indigenous people; Ecolinguistics; Ecology; and language ecology. The results indicate that the indigenous people maintain a systemic relationship with the environment, treating nature as the living being, that is, taking from the land only what they need for the survival of the groups,in a symbiotic exchange. The indigenous people name everything in the natural environment in which they live -plants, animals, rivers and forests for them, are an APINAYÉ AND KRAHÔ LINGUISTIC ECOSYSTEMS: A STUDY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ECOLINGUISTICS. Severina Alves de ALMEIDA Sissi; Rosineide Magalhães de SOUSA; Francisco Edviges ALBUQUERQUE; Shashi JAISWAL. JNT Facit Business and Technology Journal. QUALIS B1. ISSN: 2526-4281 - FLUXO CONTÍNUO. 2024 – MÊS DE AGOSTO- Ed. 53. VOL. 01. Págs. 152-167. http://revistas.faculdadefacit.edu.br. E-mail: jnt@faculdadefacit.edu.br. extension of their homes. In addition to these, phenomena such as rain, sun, cold, heat are appreciated to the extent that human biological life needs all this biodiversity for medicinal treatments, the forest being seen as a pharmacological laboratory.
Keywords: Ecolinguistics. Linguistic ecosystems. Speech community. Apinayé. Krahô.
Texto completo:
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JNT - Facit Business and Technology Journal
ISSN 2526-4281