Maria Vitória da Silva FRANÇA, Cacilda Castelo Branco LIMA, José Mário Nunes da SILVA, Francisca Ananda da Silva LEAL, Teresinha Soares Pereira LOPES


This study aimed to classify the different types of insertion of the upper labial frenulum and their association with breastfeeding. It was a cross-sectional survey conducted from September 2020 to July 2022, involving 616 mother-infant pairs, with infants aged 0 to 12 months, participating in the Preventive Program for Pregnant Women and Babies extension project. The anatomical and morphological characteristics of the upper labial frenulum and the type of breastfeeding were examined. A Poisson regression model was applied to assess the association between the insertion of the upper labial frenulum and breastfeeding, with adjustment covariates selected using a Directed Acyclic Graph. The most common frenulum insertion was on the attached gingiva (65.2%), followed by the palatal surface (14%) and near the mucogingival junction (20.8%). Regarding breastfeeding, 70.8% of infants were exclusively breastfed (EBF), 17% predominantly breastfed (PBF), 1.8% received complementary feeding (CBF), and 0.5% were not breastfed. After adjustment, no significant association was found between the upper labial frenulum with palatal insertion and EBF (Prevalence Ratio 1.07; 95% Confidence Interval: 0.93-1.23). The findings suggest that infants with a maxillary labial frenulum insertion extending to the palatal face did not show any association indicating a negative impact on breastfeeding.

Keywords: Lip Brake. Breastfeeding. Infant.

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JNT - Facit Business and Technology Journal

ISSN 2526-4281