Bruno Lucena Antunes ABRANTE, Luciana Moraes HORNOS, Marcelo de Gusmão Paraiso CAVALCANTI, Aurea Agulha de FREITAS, João Pedro Perez GOMES, Andréa Couto de Lemos PINHEIRO, Cláudio Fróes de FREITAS


A 29-year-old female patient attended the public health service presenting with an intraoral lesion and a history of recurrence. (1) The patient had undergone surgical removal of a similar lesion five years ago. A new lesion had developed in the same site, with an approximate evolution of one year. Clinical examination revealed an exophytic, firm, and painless mass to palpation, measuring approximately 5 cm in diameter, located on the palatal and buccal gingiva, with no signs of dental displacement. (1) Complementary examinations, including periapical radiography, showed no root resorptions, and aspirative puncture did not indicate cystic pathology. (2) An excisional biopsy was performed, and histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF). (1, 3) This case highlights the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of recurrent POF, emphasizing the importance of complete surgical removal and periodic follow-up to reduce the likelihood of new recurrences. (2, 3)

Keywords: Peripheral ossifying fibroma. Fibro-osseous lesion. Recurrence. Excisional biopsy. Radiographic. Oral pathology. Surgical management.

Texto completo:



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ISSN 2526-4281